Esitame EMHI sünoptiku M. Merilaini kommentaari sünoptilise tagapõhja kohta 13. märtsi kohta (muudetud): Laupäeval, 13. märtsil liikus üle Eesti loodest kagusse kella 12-21-ni teist järku külm front. Kõige paremini ja täpsemalt saab sellest ülevaate ja lausa tunnise intervalliga, kui printida ilmakaart (suures mõõtkavas, näiteks Eesti kohta) välja ja joonistada isobaarid peale. Olen nii ennegi teinud, sest suure Põhja-Euroopa kaardil võivad detailid kahe silma vahele jääda.
SECONDARY COLD FRONTS. Sometimes there is a tendency for a trough of low pressure to form to the rear of a cold front, and a secondary cold front may develop in this trough. Secondary cold fronts usually occur during outbreaks of very cold air behind the initial outbreak. Secondary cold fronts may follow in intervals of several hundred miles to the rear of the rapidly moving front. When a secondary cold front forms, the primary front usually tends to dissipate and the secondary front then becomes the primary front. Secondary fronts usually do not occur during the summer months because there is rarely enough temperature discontinuity.
SECONDARY COLD FRONTS. Sometimes there is a tendency for a trough of low pressure to form to the rear of a cold front, and a secondary cold front may develop in this trough. Secondary cold fronts usually occur during outbreaks of very cold air behind the initial outbreak. Secondary cold fronts may follow in intervals of several hundred miles to the rear of the rapidly moving front. When a secondary cold front forms, the primary front usually tends to dissipate and the secondary front then becomes the primary front. Secondary fronts usually do not occur during the summer months because there is rarely enough temperature discontinuity.
Suvised pilvemürakad 13.3.2010 Tallinnas pärastlõunal.
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